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LED Flashlight Countertop Display #GH909


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 These handheld compact flashlights are lightweight, convenient, and ready to use! The bright LED light is perfect for any low-light situation. Keep this handy flashlight on hand to check under sinks, cabinets and inside closets, for kids to use a safety night light, or to keep it in your car in case of emergencies. Each flashlight is made with light plastic and has an easy on/off switch and a nylon cord to easily carry it with you. The flashlight body comes in various colors, including lime green, orange, white, and yellow. The LED is cool to the touch and has a magnified tip to help create more light. This light-up tool uses 3 LG10 batteries that come included! There are 24 compact flashlights per countertop display. Each flashlight measures approximately 3.85" long.,LED Flashlight Countertop Display,

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